Thursday, June 4, 2015

10 Easiest Spring Vegetables to Grow Organically

Now that you have  prepared your garden to plant for spring, it is time for you to know the easiest crops to grow in your garden. Here are ten vegetables that are good to grow in spring:
1. Beets
Beets are perfect to grow in your garden after a harsh winter season. Plant beet crops in a well-drained and sandy soil. It is better to plant beets early in spring as soon as the soil dries out. Make sure to pull out the weeds in the area where you plant beets so that your crops will get the nutrients they need.
2. Lettuce
You can plant lettuce any time in spring. These crops are more sensitive to cold temperature than some spring vegetables. A good temperature for lettuce is from 60 to 70 °F. Lettuce crops are perfect to grow in partial shade.
3. Peas
Sow seeds directly in your garden 4 to 6 weeks before the last date of frost in your place. The seeds can germinate even if the soil temperature is 40 °F, they can also survive in a temperature of 25 °F.
4. Radish
Radishes are an ideal crop to plant in the spring because they are easy to grow and they grow quickly. Sow seeds directly in your garden 4 weeks before the last date of frost in your place. Make sure the soil is fertile and well-drained. You can harvest them in about a month from the time that they are planted.
5. Spinach
Spinach grows well in spring. You can sow the seeds even if the ground is frozen, the seeds will germinate as the soil melts. Spinach needs a very fertile soil so that they will grow quickly and have tender leaves.
6. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Sow seeds 2 weeks before the last date of frost in your place water it regularly.
7. Potatoes
It is better to plant potatoes in raised beds, but make sure the soil has a lot of nutrients. Cut a potato into pieces with 2 to 3 eyes let them dry for a few days before you plant them.
8. Cucumber
Cucumber are easy to grow, you can plant them in containers, raised bed, rows, or hills. Plant cucumber where there is enough sunshine, water regularly. Make a space of about two and a half feet in planting cucumber.
9. Tomatoes
Plant tomatoes indoor first, you can start planting in February or March. When spring comes you can now transplant them in your garden, plant starters in a deep transplant hole. Tomatoes need a lot of sunshine so make sure to plant them where there is plenty of sunshine and water them regularly.
10. Beans
Sow seeds directly in a warm soil. Put something where the vines can climb up. Beans need plenty of water and sunshine.


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