Friday, May 29, 2015


Most significant congenital heart conditions require lifelong monitoring and treatment by a cardiologist. That's why it's important to obtain and maintain adequate healthcare coverage with a policy that lets you see physicians with special knowledge of adults with congenital heart disease. In most cases, as you reach adulthood you won't be able to obtain health insurance through your parents' policy.
Generally, the best way to get coverage is through your employer's group health insurance. Most large companies will offer you group health plans at reasonable rates, despite your heart condition. Seek plans that don't have pre-existing condition clauses that may exclude coverage for your heart disease. If your heart condition is relatively complex, be sure your plan allows you access to a cardiologist who's experienced in treating congenital heart disease in adults.
If group coverage isn't possible, you may need to get insurance through a "high-risk" pool. Unfortunately, this can be expensive.
If you're currently covered under a group plan, such as your parents' policy or a policy through work, and your coverage is due to end, you can pay to continue your policy for up to 18 months under a federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). To be eligible for COBRA, you have 60 days from the time of termination to notify the appropriate person at your parents' or your employer that you wish to extend your coverage.
If you have health insurance through your employer, be very careful when changing jobs or policies. You may not be eligible for coverage under a new insurance plan or policy, based on specific exclusions, or there may be waiting periods before you can receive full benefits.


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